27 September 2008

This Week in Numbers

3% increase in CO2 emission last year

15 Algae Biofuel startups to watch

30% reduction in natural gas consumption by converting whey to biomethane, announced by Kraft

91% of California beaches graded of A or B- Los Angeles still came in with the lowest marks (including Malibu's Surfrider beach which received a D)

100s of new species found on Australia's coral reefs

$240 - $750 will get you a new energy-efficient Lenovo monitor using 30-60% less energy 

$634 billion bailout, wait, I mean spending bill just passed by the Senate- includes $25 billion in loans to the auto industry and elimination of ban on off-shore drilling

$700 billion bailout, still in talks

$25,000 could be yours if you have brightest green idea. Enter the XPrice Foundation contest by October 31, 2008.

440,000 permanent jobs could be made if Congress renews the solar tax credits

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