16 January 2009

Best & Worst Cause Marketing Campaigns of 2008

I recommend anyone interested in one of the companies below, or cause-marketing in general, take a minute to read through two posts on the BEST & WORST cause-marketing campaigns of 2008 from my favorite cause-marketing guru, Paul Jones at Cause Marketing:

Check out the original postings for Paul's quick and insightful analysis of why the campaign made the list:

1. TOMS Shoes
2. Rosa Loves
3. LJ Urban
4. Chili's Create-A-Pepper 
5. MDA's electronic "paper icon" campaign
6. Internet-only telethon for our troops
7. Cartier's Love Bracelet
8. KivaB4B
9. Plus 3 Network
10. Cigna
11. P&G Pampers & Unicef

1. Cookies for Kids Cancer 
2. HERO Campaign (Tampax)
3. York Peppermint Patties (ad in Elle)
4. Partners for a Cure (Kimmie Cares)
5. UN World Food Programme campaign w/ Drew Barrymore
6. Home Depot & Habitat for Humanity
7. Shoshanna Lonstein Gruss's Bikinis
8. PR agency Ketchum's "Food 2020" survey
9. Harry Slatkin lighters & Bath & Body Works
10. Nestle's GoLife
11. Henkel

1 comment:

Paul Jones said...

Gorsh, Lisa!

I blush in the presence of all these bright, young Pepperdine MBAs.

Thx for the kind words.

And, Go Waves!